A Christmas Message from our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler – 21st December 2021
A night to remember at Norton Priory Conclave No 633 – 14th December 2021
Consecration of Carreg yr Wyddfa Conclave No 633 – 18th November 2021
Following this morning’s well-attended Zoom meeting you may find all the relevant documentation (Minutes/Accounts/Reports/etc) available to read and/or print in the ‘Documents’ section of this website, under ‘Secretariat’ in the main-menu options.
This is a reminder for all members that the Provincial Annual General Meeting this year is being held on Wednesday 16th June at 11.00 hrs in the form of a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom platform.
All members are invited to attend this on-line meeting and give support to the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler at this event.
If you have not applied already and would like to attend please email me as soon as possible to register your attendance at alan.harrison717(at)gmail.com and I will then forward the joining instructions, log-in details and Paper of Business to you.
Other relevant documents can be downloaded from this website (Secretariat/Documents)
The Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler, Assistant Grand Supreme Ruler and Grand Recorder are all joining us at this meeting so it would be good if we can demonstrate a strong attendance from the membership on this occasion.
Kindest Regards
In the Friendship of our Order
I would like to introduce myself as the new Commander of the Provincial Grand Supreme
Ruler’s Arch of Steel. I have been commanded by our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy. Bro. David Littlewood to strengthen our numbers within the Arch, so that we can support his visits across the province and attend the Annual Provincial Meeting, to display our drill for the province and visiting dignitaries to enjoy.
As such I would remind all the brethren who are Princes of the Order that they could join the Arch of Steel. The attached leaflet* will outline the finer details of the Arch. The PGSR has reminded me that he looks at the members of the Arch first when considering acting appointments and any conclave who has a member of the Arch of Steel within its ranks should feel proud of that member’s commitment to the Province of Cheshire and North Wales.
I would be pleased to hear from any members who qualify and who are interested. Please email me so we can organize a meeting.
Kindest Regards,
David Dobbs
Commander Arch of Steel Email: davidpdobbs(at)outlook.com
*A link to ‘The attached leaflet’ can be found on the ‘Arch of Steel’ page under ‘Provincial’ on the top-level Menu.
I am delighted to tell you that the G.S.R. M.Wy Andrew Sweeney has agreed to undertake the Consecration ceremony on 18th November @ Bangor, along with his full Grand Conclave team.
ITFOTO, David Littlewood.
(watch this space for further information)
The PGSR asked everyone to consider donating to the PGSR’s Benevolent Fund when looking at their savings in subscription.
Pictured are 25 of the 26 attendees. Unfortunately, a couple didn’t receive the memo about dress code!

You will, I am sure, have welcomed this evenings announcement by our Prime Minister, that all meeting restrictions will be lifted from 21st June 2021.
It is essential that we don’t ‘jump the gun’ as certain statistics are required before such a release can be certain, but it does allow a glimmer of light that we will soon be able to meet once again.
Additionally, I am wholly supportive of those Brethren who remain reticent to be in any large group, but I hope that you will, by 21st. June, have had both vaccinations against this horrible illness and will be confident for the future.
You will be aware that our Provincial annual meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 16th June 2021, a mere week before the lock-down is lifted. The Provincial executive have discussed our annual meeting and have agreed that it will remain a virtual business meeting using the zoom platform, and I hope that as many of you as possible will support us, in front of all the other OSM Provinces, on that zoom meeting. Further information in due course, meanwhile keep checking our wonderful web site ( osmcheshireandnorthwales.org.uk ) for additional help.
It is planned that a physical meeting, an ‘investiture meeting’ to take place later in 2021, where we can enjoy the ceremonial once more and allow me to actually physically invest those officers in my Provincial team.
Again more detail in due course.
With that in mind I have to report that Wy. Bro David P. Dobbs has kindly agreed, with immediate effect, to take on the role as the Commander of my Arch of Steel, whilst Wy. Bro. William Caren will, again with immediate effect become the Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, I congratulate both and look forward to meetings in their company.
I thank Wy Bro Tim Mobbs for his past work and support in the role of Commander of my Arch of Steel, Tim has left the Order to spend more family time, I’m sorry to see him leave.
The Prime Minister’s announcement also means that we will be able to hold our annual Family luncheon again in 2021, please put the date of Sunday 10th. October 2021 in your diary and ask that you support this most important of fund-raising events.
Brethren, it is events like this that will enable the Province to, once more, donate £2,000 each to worthy charitable organisation within the Province this year.
On this subject I wish to most sincerely thank those individuals and Conclaves that answered my request for financial donations to our benevolent fund, the response has been fabulous, proving once more that the OSM is the most generous and caring of the progressive Masonic Order.
Finally Brethren, I thank you all for the way that you have endured this pandemic, mostly with humour and determination, to those Conclaves that have been holding regular virtual meetings, well done.
I look forward with excitement to seeing you all again.
Meanwhile, stay safe, get your vaccinations and prepare for the re-start.
David Littlewood
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler
Province of Cheshire and North Wales